Women's Leadership Coaching, Inc., is dedicated to helping emerging women leaders, like you, advance into management and leadership positions. It's our purpose—and our passion.
I was invited to be guest speaker on the Paving Your Road to Leadership internet radio show. Host Ellie Nieves and I discussed common mistakes women make, that hold them back from advancing into leadership.
After interviewing more than 1,000 up-and-coming women leaders, CEO Jo Miller recognized a common set of challenges encountered by women wanting to advance their careers—especially in industries often considered a “man’s world,” such as technology, finance, and energy. She created the Women’s Leadership Coaching™ system to teach emerging women leaders a specific set of strategic and tactical skills necessary to break through those roadblocks and move ahead.
Women’s Leadership Coaching offers workshops, webinars, and coaching programs for emerging women leaders, as well as keynotes by CEO Jo Miller.